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About the Chinese American Forum (CAF)

"We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America."
--Preamble to the United States Constitution

Chinese American Forum (in English) was established to facilitate open communication between Chinese Americans and the American public. It has been dedicated to promoting mutual understanding among all Americans since 1985.

CAF has published articles on many topics including culture, philosophy, history, traditions, and heritage, as well as Chinese Americans affairs, accomplishments, and life experiences.

Chinese American Forum Inc. is a non-profit IRS 501(c)(3) Corporation (Fed #52-1268658). Donations and memberships (less the cost of $20.00 for the annual subscription of CAF magazines) are tax deductable.

Current Officers
Founder S. Yen. Lee
President C.C. Tien
Vice President/Treasurer Jack Peng
Coordinators Jack Peng (WA), Walter Ko (MO), Ta-Mu Chien [or Da Mu Qian] (NJ)

Board of Directors
Members Walter Ko, George Koo, Jack Peng, C.C. Tien, Roger Dong, Stanton Jue, Linda Fung, Ruby Tsao

Managing Editor C.C. Tien
Associate Editor Rich Gerdes
Layout and Production Rich Gerdes
Assistant to Editor Ben Tien

Manuscripts that agree with the CAF mission statement are welcome. Authors are advised to avoid personal attacks and/or ethnic/racial stereotyping, and are solely responsible for the content. Manuscripts should include pertinent references/notes, a 100-word personal biography, and the author's name, mailing and e-mail address, and phone/fax numbers.

12-month memberships are: $30(regular), $150(charter), $500(sponsor) and $1000(patron). All memberships include a 12-month CAF subscription and full membership privileges.

CAF magazine is published quarterly. The U.S. subscription in the U.S. is $20/12-months and $36/24-months for individuals, and $25/12-months for institutions. Add $10/year for Mexico and Canada, and $30/year for all other countries for extra mailing costs. Claims for unreceived copies must be made within (3) three months after the issue month by the U.S. subscribers, and six (6) months by international subscribers.

To submit a manuscript or request a subscription/membership contact:
Chinese-American Forum
PO Box 3034
Seattle, WA 98114
Email CAF Coordinator

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